Thursday, 13 August 2015

in win 7 the local disk background is always become white if you want to change that set your image to that wallpaper that is so easy following simple steps
step 1: press alt the select tools then select folder options the select view.
step 2: then tick to show hidden files, folders and drives then click apply and ok.
step 3: desktop.ini file will appears select open with notepad
step 4: the replace this text in that file
IconArea_Image="image you want to set that image path"
step 5: save and exit
step 6: restart your computer

a hacker needs a static IP which is really very expensive for a normal person to have. Here we will discus how we can counter this problem. Please note that this solution is temporary and can never really take place of static IP but for now it will work.

For this we will use DNS redirect service from alternatively you can also use 

First of all register with by clicking on “No-IP Free” on home page. After you complete registration form hey will send you an confirmation e-mail, once confirmed, then you can log in to your account. 

Now click on “Hosts/Redirect”, then type the host redirect name you want to which Dynamic DNS will redirect traffic after associating your IP. Let other options remain as it is if you don't know what they do. 

Now create your host name. Now download “Download Client”. After installing DUC client type your e-mail address and password.

To check its working or not, type and check your IP address now ping the host name you created both will have same IP address.

Note: Most of you might be thinking what is use of this setup, you'll know its use when we will cover Trojans and Spywares. Also note that there are several free as well as paid Trojan Clients and Spywares. But free tools are prone to get detected by anti-virus program so better opt for paid ones.
step 1:open command prompt as administration permission.
step 2: type netsh wlan showprofiles
step 3: wifi profiles list will display then select which wifi password you want
step 4: netsh wlan showprofiles wifiname key=clear

step 4: key content: is wifi password

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

first open the  command prompt then change to that drive for example when you the command prompt c:\usrs\account then type you are removal disk drive for example h:
then type this command
h:\>attrib -h -r -s /s /d h\*.*
if it is yor drive g then change to g drive g:
g:\>attrib -h -r -s /s /d g\*.*

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